Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Typical Diet of Sea Otters

The Typical Diet of Sea Otters Sea otters live in the Pacific Ocean and are found in Russia, Alaska, Washington state and California. These furry marine mammals are one of only a few marine animals known  to use tools to obtain their food. A Sea Otters Diet Sea otters eat a wide variety of prey, including marine invertebrates such as echinoderms (sea stars and sea urchins), crustaceans (e.g., crabs), cephalopods (e.g., squid), bivalves  (clams, mussels, abalone), gastropods (snails), and chitons. How Do Sea Otters Eat? Sea otters obtain their food by diving. Using their webbed feet, which are well adapted for swimming, sea otters can dive more than 200 feet and stay underwater for up to 5 minutes. Sea otters can sense prey using their whiskers. They also use their agile front paws to find and grasp their prey. Sea otters are one of the only mammals  that are been known to use tools to obtain and eat their prey. They can use a rock to dislodge mollusks and urchins from the rocks where they are attached. Once at the surface, they often eat by placing the food on their stomachs, and then placing a rock on their stomachs and then smashing the prey on the rock to open it and get at the flesh inside. Prey Preferences Individual otters in an area seem to have different prey preferences.  A study in California found that among an otter population, different otters specialized in diving at different depths to find different prey items. There are deep-diving otters that eat benthic organisms such as urchins, crabs, and abalone, medium-diving otters that forage for clams and worms and others that feed at the surface on organisms such as snails. These dietary preferences may also make certain otters susceptible to disease. For example, sea otters eating snails in Monterey Bay appear more likely to contract Toxoplama gondii, a parasite found in cat feces. Storage Compartments Sea otters have loose skin and baggy pockets underneath their forelimbs. They can store extra food, and rocks used as tools, in these pockets. Impacts on the Ecosystem Sea otters have a high metabolic rate (that is, they use a high amount of energy) that is 2-3 times that of other mammals their size. Sea otters eat about 20-30% of their body weight each day. Otters weigh 35-90 pounds (males weigh more than females). So, a 50-pound otter would need to eat about 10-15 pounds of food per day. The food sea otters eat can impact the entire ecosystem in which they live. Sea otters have been found to play a pivotal role in the habitat and marine life that inhabit a kelp forest. In a kelp forest, sea urchins can graze on the kelp and eat their holdfasts, resulting in deforesting the kelp from an area. But if sea otters are abundant, they eat sea urchins and keep the urchin population in check, which allows kelp to flourish. This, in turn, provides shelter for sea otter pups and a variety of other marine life, including fish. This allows other marine, and even terrestrial animals, to have abundant amounts of prey. Sources: Estes, J.A., Smith, N.S., and J.F. Palmisano. 1978. Sea otter predation and community organization in the Western Aleutian Islands, Alaska. Ecology 59(4):822-833.Johnson, C.K.,  Tinker, M.T., Estes, J.A., Conrad, P.A., Staedler, M., Miller, M.A., Jessup, D.A. and Mazet, J.A.K. 2009. Prey choice and habitat use drive sea otter pathogen exposure in a resource-limited coastal system. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106(7):2242-2247Laustsen, Paul. 2008. Alaskas Sea-Otter Decline Affects Health of Kelp Forests and Diet of Eagles. USGS.Newsome, S.D.,  M.T. Tinker, D.H. Monson, O.T. Oftedal, K. Ralls, M. Staedler, M.L. Fogel, and J.A. Estes.  2009. Using stable isotopes to investigate individual diet specialization in California sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis) Ecology 90: 961-974.Righthand, J. 2011. Otters: The Picky Eaters of the Pacific. Smithsonian Magazine.Sea Otters. Vancouver Aquarium.The Marine Mammal Center. Animal Classification: Sea Otter.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Signifying Definition and Examples in English

Signifying Definition and Examples in English Signifying is a combination of rhetorical strategies employed in African American speech communitiesin particular, the use of irony and indirection to express ideas and opinions. In The Signifying Monkey: A Theory of African-American Literary Criticism  (Oxford University Press, 1988), Henry Louis Gates describes signifyin(g) as a trope in which are subsumed several other rhetorical tropes, including metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, and irony (the master tropes), and also hyperbole, litotes, and metalepsis ([Harold] Blooms supplement to [Kenneth] Burke). To this list, we could easily add aporia, chiasmus, and catachresis, all of which are used in the ritual of signifyin(g). Examples and Observations Above all, signifying is a ritualistic practice that serves various functions in different African American discursive and communal spaces. Some scholars define signifying as primarily a male-dominated activity (the female version is called specifying). African American men in this verbal art form focus their anger, aggression, and frustration into a relatively harmless exchange of wordplay where they can establish their masculinity in verbal battles with their peers. This form of signifying lends itself to validating a pecking order style of dominance based on the result of the verbal exchange. . . .Signifying can affirm, critique, or build community through the involvement of its participants. (Carole Boyce Davies, Encyclopedia of the African Diaspora: Origins, Experiences, and Culture. ABC-CLIO, 2008)Women, and to certain extent children, commonly use more indirect methods of signifying. These range from the most obvious kinds of indirection, like using an unexpected pronoun in di scourse (Didnt we come to shine today or Who thinks his drawers dont stink?), to the more subtle technique, of louding or loud-talking in a different sense from the one above. A person is loud-talking when he says something of someone just loud enough for that person to hear, but indirectly, so he cannot properly respond (Mitchell-Kernan). Another technique of signifying through indirection is making reference to a person or group not present, in order to start trouble between someone present and the ones who are not. An example of this technique is the famous toast, The Signifying Monkey. (Roger D. Abrahams, Talking Black. Newbury House, 1976) Rhetorically, for the African American community, the strategy behind indirection suggests that direct confrontation in everyday discourse is to be avoided when possible. . . . Normally, indirection has been treated as a function of the speech acts and not as a rhetorical strategy in oral discourse. Boasting, bragging, loud talking, rapping, signifying, and, to a degree, playing the dozens have elements of indirection. . . .While signifying is a way of encoding a message, ones shared cultural knowledge is the basis on which any reinterpretation of the message is made. Theoretically, signifying (Black) as a concept can be used to give meaning to rhetorical acts of African Americans and indicate a Black presence. Rhetorically, one can also explore texts for the manner in which the themes or worldviews of other texts are repeated and revised with a signal difference, but based on shared knowledge. (Thurmon Garner and Carolyn Calloway-Thomas, African American Orality. Understanding Afric an American Rhetoric: Classical Origins to Contemporary Innovations, ed. by Ronald L. Jackson II and Elaine B. Richardson. Routledge, 2003) Also known as: signifyin(g), signifyin

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Resolute Forest Products Inc Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Resolute Forest Products Inc - Research Paper Example Where there is competition, there is always the need to devise a competitive strategy that can guarantee competitive advantage for the company. It is in line with this that a comprehensive company analysis is necessary to identifying the current market position of the company, understanding ways in which the company has responded to the competitions that it is faced with, what the weaknesses and strengths of the company has been in its quest to be competitive, corporate strategies that can work best for the company, and a comprehensive financial assessment for the company. Presently, Resolute Forest Product Inc can be said to be at a position where the company has failed to maximise its potential on the global economic competition. As a result, even though the company continues to record increases in revenue and operating incomes, these have not been translated into net income, total assets, and total equity. 2.0 Organization Overview Resolute Forest Product Inc is the outcome of a m erger between Bowater and Abitibi-Consolidated, which took place in January 2007. The company is mainly into the manufacturing of pulp and paper and is headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Noting the importance of supply chain management to the company and the devastating consequence that can be associated with shortages in supply of raw materials, the company has as part of its major corporate strategies to operate and manage its own forest base that is responsible for supplying the company with its raw materials (Kanter, 2012). In line with this, the company boasts of owning an approximate value of 14.9 million hectares of forestland in North America as at the end of 2011 (Kim, 2011). This has generally being a workable strategy that has made the company to become recognized with efficiency in meeting demand from consumers. With growing concerns on global warming and the need to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, Resolute Forest Product Inc pledged its commitment to th is call in November 2011 when it became a member of the World Wildlife Fund’s Climate Saver’s Program (Chen, 2012). Together with other stakeholders and members therefore, the company is in a joint course to helping reduce greenhouse gas emission by 65% by 2015. The operations of the company have not been free from lawsuits to and from the company. For example in May 2013, The Star (2013) reported of a $7,000,000 defamation lawsuit filed against Greenpeace Canada and some of its employees for alleged interference with economic relations with their customers (Aulakh, 2013). Greenpeace Canada has however seen the lawsuit as a mere attempt to for Resolute to launch a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (SLAPP). 3.0 SWOT Analysis Strength Weaknesses 1. The company has a very reliable raw material base that makes the dependence on suppliers very limited. 2. Reduced dependence on suppliers means the company has sufficient savings on external spending that minimize d the cost of doing business 3. The company commands very high annual revenue and operating income that makes it have very strong competitive urge over its competitors, knowing that diversification and other means of raising funds for the company with

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Think Pink -The Musical and its Mise-en-Scene Essay

Think Pink -The Musical and its Mise-en-Scene - Essay Example The musical art is a complete cinematography of the different sociological issues in the mild tone with a zephyr of musical instruments. This extremely stylish piece of art is the mixture of Rock and Roll, soft and classical music. This classical Hollywood celebration filmmaking, in the name of sociological and ideological movement against drugs, during 50's and 60's, truly played its role in the musical reformation. This revolutionary piece of art, later set trends for different genres and established a foundations for multiple institutions in the society. The musician Twink, has contributed many other genres in this regard, which shows his level interest in this dimension. Twink, is basically an English Drummer, song writer and singer. He began his career in 1963 as with a band. Later, he had given few arts and musical performances in 1964 and 1965. The Think Pink is his first solo album with The Deviants, produced by Mick Farren . He started his work in the wake of psychedilc musi c movement to set new trend in the field of music genres. His contribution and ideology behind his work, also reflects his social ambitions behind his artistic efforts. He started his band with the name of The Fairies, later he joind the rythem and blues/soul music band, known by the name of In-Crowd. After few months the same band renamed as Tomorrow. Apart from music, Twink, is also a very good and talented actor also. Twink has truly gives one of his remarkable and outstanding performance in this unique work. His stylish blend of mixing east and west to highlight socilogical issues in the backdrop of this musical film is unmatched. This film projects the sociological and emotional intensity, through the sound into the soul of the present pop genre environment. It brings the blend of different music styles, both eastern and western, along with the different themes and melodious classical tracks. The 37 Minutes and 37 seconds, film clearly portrays the new revolutionary sense of music. The music is simple, thematic, rhythmic and beautifully composed. The lyrics are very well written. The film has tried its level best to impart the sociological awareness and food for the relaxation of minds. Twink has composed all the tracks, with the help of Took. The musical film is composed of ten tracks including; "The coming of the Other One" (Twink) - 2:23, "Ten Thousand Words in a Cardboard Box" (Twink/Wood) - 4:31, "Dawn of Majic" (Twink) - 1:43, "Tiptoe on the Highest Hill" (Twink) - 5:23, "Fluid" (Twink) - 4:04, "Mexican Grass War" (Twink) - 5:29, "Rock and Roll the Join" (Twink) - 2:46, "Suicide" (Twink) - 4:26, "Three Little Piggies" (Took/Twink) - 3:15, "The Sparrow Is a Sign" (Took/Twink) - 2:23. The tracks depicts the different musical styles using various musical instruments like Drums, Keyboards, Guitars etc in order to highlight social awarness in the elegant and unique style. In addition to that, the tracks also project the awarness on the dark side of social problems like drugs and suicide. The tracks are manifested with unique and stylish mixture of music instruments to influence the minds of the audience. The tracks also used beautiful and thought provoking lyrics, which induce the audience to relax and enjoy

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Amusement Parks Essay Example for Free

Amusement Parks Essay * A rushing Feeling of anticipation and excitement takes over you as you’re taking the journey through the maze called the parking lot. * Arrive at destination and a million things trickle in your head similar to look how big this place is or which rides should I attend to first and many more. * Theme parks are a sense of liveliness. * Everywhere you look; crowds of people are in high-spirits and have a bundle of energy. * Children and teens of all ages dash over to rides to get in the front row. * There is laughter, people talking, people happy or down. * Kids tugging on their parents clothes to beg for things they want. â€Å"Mommy can I go on this ride?† * The main attractions are mainly the roller coasters and rides. This includes rides that twist, turn, flip, sling, go fast, go slow, and sometimes get you soaked in water. * Amusement Parks are so massive that people can get lost. * They provide maps that have pictures and the title of the certain events or places of the park this way people know where they want to go first and how to get out. * Some theme parks not only have rides but tamed and trained animals that can do tricks to entertain the audience and then there are animals that are behind glass windows casually walking around or doing something with their partners in the area they sleep in.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Macbeth :: essays research papers

Macbeth: Blood Macbeth: Blood I am going to prove that in the play Macbeth, a symbol of blood is portrayed often(and with different meanings), and that it is a symbol that is develope 2. Lady Macbeth: A Wife In Support Of Her Husband Lady Macbeth: A Wife in Support of Her Husband One of the main characters in Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, has been an object of intense criticism. Although sometimes regarded 3. Macbeth: Macbeth's Decent Into Hell Macbeth: Macbeth's Decent Into Hell Macbeth is a play by William Shakespeare. Macbeth is a man who commits a series of crimes because of persuation from his wife that will 4. Macbeth: A Mature Man Of Established Character Macbeth: A Mature Man of Established Character Macbeth is presented as a mature man of definitely established character, successful in certain fields of activity and en 5. Macbeth: Aristotelian Tragedy Macbeth: Aristotelian Tragedy Kim Blair Per.5 Interpretive Test The definition of tragedy in an excerpt from Aristotle's "Poetics" is the re-creation, complete withi 6. Macbeth: Ambition Is Root Of All Evil Macbeth: Ambition is Root of All Evil It is said that ambition is the key to success. In the case of Shakespeare's Macbeth, it is the key to his downfall. He is presented w 7. Macbeth: Appearance Vs Reality Macbeth: Appearance vs Reality Brooke Soper The way people act on the outside and who they really are on the inside may be two totally different things. Some may change 8. Macbeth: A Tale Of Two Theories Macbeth: A Tale of Two Theories Macbeth(c.1607), written by William Shakespeare, is the tragic tale of Macbeth, a virtuous man, corrupted by power and greed. This tragedy co 9. Macbeth: Banquo's Soliloquy Macbeth: Banquo's Soliloquy John Spitzer In Macbeth, a play by William Shakespeare, Banquo's soliloquy at the beginning of the third act explains some of his present feelin 10. Captain's Letter Regarding Macbeth Captain's Letter Regarding Macbeth Dear Family: I beg forgiveness for the prolonged period of silence previous to this letter.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Social and Mobile Marketing

Technological advancement triggered a change in the traditional marketing midway and strategies. The Internet is now considered as one of the most effective ways to communicate to customers, to advertise and launch products. People relied more and more on the Internet for research, com/social-networking-boon-or-bane/">social networking, online communication and shopping. Without the luxury of time, people started to prefer to stay home or in the office to process transactions through the Internet.The Internet service industry along with computer sales drastically increased because of the growing need for Internet surfing for personal and business use. Remarkably, direct and digital marketing through Internet became the preferred marketing midways used by companies since it offers direct communication with the customer base through email, online ads, search engine listing, online public relations, social bookmarking, affiliate marketing and viral electronic word-of-mouth marketing.Wit h all these options to choose from, a company can properly profile the needs and wants of the customers. Moreover, surveys are normally done to define the needs, feedback and preferences of the customers. With the wide range of scope that the Internet can reach, the price is a lot cost-effective than that of the traditional mediums of marketing through TV, print and radio. One benefit of mobile advertising is the accessibility of the target market and the impeccable knowledge about the customer in terms of demographics, usage and channel.Moreover, the delivery mechanism enables marketers to receive campaign statistics and measure campaign effectiveness. With the evolving changes in the behavior of people in this technological world, the mobile marketing strategy can surpass and grow in the next 3 to 6 years. If the behavior of people and the technological growth will be the metrics for advancement of mobile marketing, it can be confidently said an advancement will happen to this mar keting practices category. On the other hand, social marketing will also be affected with the phenomenal growth in technology.Social marketing is mainly focused on changing the intractable behaviors in complex environmental, economic, social, political circumstances for the common good of people. It's main purpose is to improve the quality of life which can be considered as ambitious. A thorough and comprehensive planning is needed for social marketing and it requires accurate profiling of the customers. In lieu with the objective of social marketing to change the behavior of the market, the world wide web is the best place to profile and to influence the market.The remarkable usage of Internet created opportunities for social marketing and advocacies. Three or six years from now, social marketing will be more comprehensive and accurate, with the availability of resources, it is more manageable to directly reach out to a customer base. Technologically speaking, it is very much possi ble for the global marketing to be widely used through enhancing and automating the processes. To change the behavior of a market is far too ambitious to achieve, however, the behavior of people towards advocacies and programs have evolved.Support for such have grown in the last few years. With this change in behavior, opportunities for profiling and changing the views of people is somehow more achievable and realistic. In conclusion, there are possibilities of the decline in the social marketing practices as well as the digital advertising. However, these two categories of marketing can also adopt to the ever changing market preferences but enhancements will be formulated to improve the approaches of

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Manager interview paper

The success or failure of an organization highly depends on how the manager drives the people to achieve effectiveness. The study is conducted to identify the general responsibilities of a manager and how the manager handle its people in order to leverage them to move forward and dream big for the organization. The study will highlight the day-to-day activities and responsibilities of a manager based on existing concepts and theories. It will also try to assess how a manager will approach various problems of employees in attaining success of the organization. The selected manager is currently a Manager of a Natural Resource Management Program implemented in different regions. He has been in the program as a manager for eight years now. He handles 20 people who are under different positions such as Finance Officer, Administrative Staff, Researcher, Social Marketing and   Events Organizer and General Services. †¢ General Background and Responsibilities Different roles and responsibilities of a manager were ascertained in the course of the interview. The manager has been in the business for 10 years but assigned as manager for eight years. The interview evolved into the responsibilities of a manager. The top most tasks or duties of a manager are to select, supervise, and support a team. This looks like a little responsibility but this spells a lot especially that the objective is to manage and supervise the program efficiently. Selecting is one of the difficult parts as a manager. This is where the manager matches the job of the person into the skills and abilities. Before assigning a certain person in a job the person applying for a position are thoroughly selected and deliberated. It is not easy assigning a person with a job that is not suited to his abilities and skills or the objectives of the organization may fail. The second top of the responsibility of a manager is plan and supervise. A clear plan with clear strategies is needed in starting up an organization that leads to accomplishment. The plan matters in any way and anyhow. This is like a â€Å"diary† of every manager in implementing and monitoring the program itself.   After selecting an appropriate person in a job suited to him it is now the task of the manager to supervise him and teach him with the organization’s strategies in order to deliver his outputs properly. The manager sees to it that the work being done by his subordinates is appropriate and accurate. Another task related to this is supervising the selected employees to do their work expected from them. The third task is support, which is equally important with other responsibilities. This is where the manager develops the sense of belongingness of an employee in a certain organization because of always reminding to them that they are part of the organization and that any success or failure would also be their success or otherwise. Trainings, seminars and other skill enhancing activities are done to develop more their skills. Support given to the employees is always maintained. In relation to this also, open communication between the employees and the manager is extended. Being a manager is not an easy task. The day-to-day meeting with the higher bosses and the meeting with the staff is a job that requires patience and endurance. Everyday the manager is faced with different problems may it be technical, financial and even personal problems from the employees. The most liked part of being a manager is the privilege to any sort of privileges. The manager always travels, meet new people, attend conferences and among others. This is like the But one of the least liked parts of it is managing employees. And sometimes much harder is managing employees with attitude. This is the hardest part because they are the fuel to the organization’s success. †¢ Managing Employees The manager handles 20 employees who are holding different positions. These positions require diverse skills, abilities and talents. These in turn should be given attention in order to be enhanced and attain growth not only for the benefit of the employee but of the organization as well. Managing the employees is one of the hardest parts to do. The organization especially the manager is tasked to carefully manage its people, motivate them in any way and lead them to where the organization wants it to be. Attaining success of the organization can be achieved if the workforce involved are suitably motivated and led with authority. Motivation. Motivation of employees to work harder is linked also with the performance appraisal. In performance appraisal, the employee is assessed accordingly based on its tasks and responsibilities to improve the quality of the work. Appraisal is often used with tools such as 360-degree feedback where everyone who is connected with the employee is asked to give their assessment to the person involved within the duration of the project. Results of this will be consolidated and identify certain strategies on how to maximize the strengths and improve weaknesses of employees. In motivation theory, rewards are given to the employee who has performed way above the expected from them. This may be in the form of salary increase, promotion from one position to a higher position or the equivalent of it in some offices. This is true with Mayo’s theory that an employee can do better in his job if there will be an open communication lines, teamwork and with interaction with the manager. Several theories came out like of Maslow’s five levels of need, Herzberg’s theory of motivators and de-motivators, Vroom’s theory on the good performance will reap rewards, and Skinner’s theory of reinforcement.   These are all worth contribution in refining the theories behind motivating an employee (Blair, 2005). Lead. The key to leadership is to lead. An employee must see with his own-two eyes that the leader they are going to follow possesses good leadership skills. Coaching is one way also of leading an employee. Not all of the topics are familiar with the newly hired employees and who are still struggling to blend with the group in an organization. This is the best way to teach and guide the employees to work hard and give their best in their endeavours. Develop skills of staff especially sending to trainings and workshops where the employee can voice out their issues. The word leadership should emanate from the manager itself to make the employee understand what leadership is. This should be coupled with authority. Another way of leading is ensuring that they get enough commensuration based on what they do not on number of hours they worked for it. Manages ethics and ethical accountability. In reprimanding someone because he did not do his job always emphasize that you are angry with the results of the work he handled and not of who he is as a person. Direct to the point conversations and giving feedback is highly appreciated by employees. Respect is always important in handling employees. This will gain also respect from the staff and later on it would not be too difficult to open up and voice out opinions of what the employee thinks. Much more to this is always delegating work to the subordinates. This is not just to lessen the jobs of a manager but also giving the employee the chance to grow and understand the things around him. This also contributes hugely to the self-esteem of the employee because the privilege to be part of the success of a certain project. Feedbacks from the staff are also important in making the organization work. This is one move to ensure that the strategies employed by the manager are working and relevant to the learnings of each and every employee. Conclusion I would still go back to what I have mentioned earlier: the success or failure of an organization is not on how the manager managed the project but how he has maximized the potentials of his employees to deliver accurate and quality outputs. Managing people is like accomplishing an unfinished puzzle. The managers have their own task to accomplish which is the same with the employees who are part of the project. But in making this endeavour a success the manger sees to it that his people are enriched, have grown and motivated to do the job accordingly. This is not because of the increase in the salary or a work promotion but this is done because working in a team is a sense of fulfilment. Managing people is not easy. Management also is not that easy. It can be learned through time. These ideas that have been inculcated in their minds that at the end of the day it is not â€Å"me† that matters but â€Å"we’. References Brandenburg, B. (2006). What Community manager does? Retrieved March 5, 2008 Website: http://www.vmmg.net Fairweather, A. (2006). Managing employees: How to reprimand. Retrieved March 5, 2008   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Website www.businessknowhow.com/manage/reprimand.htm What Manager does? 2007. Retrieved March 6, 2008. Website:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   http://userwebs.cth.com.au/~gcutts/Management/1manager.html Blair,   G. (2005). What makes a Great Manager. Retrieved March 3, 2008. Website   http://www.see.ed.ac.uk/~gerard/Management/art9.html Employee Performance Improvement: Understanding Your Role as a Manager† (2003) Catalog No. TD11A8Q65, Corporate Executive Board, p. 19. Martin, K. J. and J. McConnell. (1989). Corporate Performance, Corporate Takeovers and Management Turnover, Working Paper at Purdue University.                               Appendices Manager Interview Form Section 1: General Background and Responsibilities 1. How long have you been with the company? How long have you held your current position? 2. What are the three most important tasks or duties that you are responsible for accomplishing in this job? 3. What do you like most about being a manager? What do you like least about being a manager?    Section 2: Managing Employees What are the objectives you want to achieve? Short term and long term? How many employees do you have? Is it difficult to handle people who are diverse? Are there any instances when you reprimanded employees just because they did not follow you? How do you treat problems like this? What are the motivating factors you employ? Do you give benefits/rewards to those employees who performed high? Why is that so? What have you done so far as a Manager in the policies regarding benefits and rewards of the employees? As a manager, how do you build confidence and self-esteem of staff? How do you build quality team to ensure output?

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Chi-Globalization Example

Chi Chi Chiglobalization Chiglobalization is the gradual increase in global influence, global presence, global relevance, as well as global leadership of China aimed at generating a renewed global vision for humanity, in creating a new model aimed at enhanced economic development, and creating a truly cosmopolitan culture in China (Guo identifying weaknesses in the process and making recommendations on how to solve these weaknesses.vii. Finally will be concluding by remarking how successful the entire Chiglobalization process has been in improving the social, economic processes, and liberalization of infrastructure in China as influenced by Chiglobalization. The above elements will offer a holistic view in understanding ChiglobalizationWork CitedGuo Sujian and Guo Baogang, Greater China in an Era of Globalization, Lanham: Lexington Books, 2010.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Left Brain Right Brain and Its Effect on Study Habits

Left Brain Right Brain and Its Effect on Study Habits What does it mean to be left-brain dominant or right-brain dominant? Scientists have explored theories about the two hemispheres of the brain and the ways that they differ in function and control of the body. According to recent research, people who are right-brain dominant and those who are left-brain dominant process information and respond in different ways. Most theories suggest that right-brain dominant people are guided by the more emotional, intuitive right hemisphere, while left-brain people respond in sequential, logical ways, guided by the left hemisphere. To a great degree, your personality is shaped by your brain type. Your dominant brain type has a very significant effect on your study skills, homework habits, and grades. For instance, some students may struggle with specific assignment types or test questions, based on their specific brain types. By understanding your dominant brain type, you may be able to adjust your study methods, and perhaps shape your schedule and coursework, to suit your own personality type. What's Your Brain Game? Do you watch the clock constantly, or does the bell surprise you at the end of class? Have you ever been accused of being too analytical or do people say youre dreamy? These characteristics can be attributed to brain types. Typically, dominant left-brain students will be more organized, theyll watch the clock, and theyll analyze information and process it sequentially. They are often cautious, and they follow rules and schedules. Left-brain students are strong in math and science, and can answer questions quickly. Left-brain students would make great Jeopardy contestants. On the other hand, right-brain students are the dreamers. They can be very intelligent and very deep thinkers- so much so that they can get lost in their own little worlds. They make great students of the social sciences and the arts. They are more spontaneous than the cautious left-brainers, and they are likely to follow their own gut feelings. Right-brainers are very intuitive and have great skill when it comes to seeing through lies or tricks. They would make great Survivor contestants. What about people who are right in the middle? Everyone is different, and everyone has characteristics from both types. Some people are equal when it comes to characteristics. Those students are middle-brain oriented, and they might do well on The Apprentice.   Students who are middle-brain oriented can have strong qualities from either hemisphere. Those students can benefit from logic from the left and intuition from the right. That sounds like a great recipe for success in business, doesnt it?

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Watergate scam. Usa Vs Nixon Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Watergate scam. Usa Vs Nixon - Term Paper Example The mentioned scandal came to surface during the year 1972 when the electioneering campaign between Mr. George McGovern and Mr. Richard Nixon was on the boom. Well before winning the Presidential election, five people inclusive of white house staff and political workers made their unauthorized entry into the Democratic Headquarters located at Watergate complex in Washington D.C (Kutler 510). In order to investigate the matter of doors broken opened of Democratic Headquarters by the staff and political workers of Nixon’s Party who run the electioneering campaign aims at to steal material information and important files that relates to election strategy. Upon disclosure of the committed crime, initially Mr. Nixon assigned the task to Mr. Cox to investigate the matter. Later on he dismissed him for non-co-operation. The forced departure of Mr. Cox, Mr. Richardson and Mr. Ruckelshaus considered in the American history as â€Å"Saturday Night Massacre† (Trachtman 131). With the dismissal of said gentleman, mounting public pressures compelled Mr. Nixon to appoint another investigator. Hence, Mr. Jaworski appointed to probe the matter. To accomplish the task he got subpoena order that enables him to have an access to relevant tapes and documents which were in the possession of Mr. Nixon. The conversations that contains in the tapes led to the involvement of indicted persons in the scam (Trachtman 131). On the disclosure of his involvement in the Watergate scam, Nixon’s counsel requested the competent court of law to quash president from accountability since he is as powerful as Louis XIV for a term of four years; therefore he is not answerable to any court of law except the impeachment court. The competent court of law turned down the plea and ordered the president to hand over the investigative material to the investigator (Kutler 510). On the order of the subordinate court, the attorney of Mr. Nixon referred the matter to the Supreme Court and t he court hardly taken three weeks time to decide the case. In that case the apex court focused on two issues a) indictment of president b) president prerogative of immunity. Firstly the court found involvement of Mr. President in conversation with the staff of white house concerning Watergate scam. Secondly the court rejected the plea of absolute power of the president. The president was of the view that being a president he has the absolute right and privilege of immunity. Further, the court held that only the attorney general void the prosecution commission which he refused to do so, therefore, the executive branch and other two branches are bound to implement it. The president had no choice but to enforce the decision in its true spirit (Kutler 511). The fear of impeachment and prosecution in the Senate which led to the removal of President forced him to resign from his office in August 1974. So far he was the only president in the history of United States of America who resigned from his office. This has further established the authority of Supreme Court as judicial branch to monitor the activities of executive branch if any of its action is ultra virus to the constitution and the law of the land in vogue (Trachtman 133). Chief Justice Warren Burger of the Supreme Court of America in his land mark decision held that "However, neither the doctrine of separation of powers nor the need for confidentiality of high level communication without more can sustain an absolute, unqualified Presidential privilege of immunity from judicial process under all circumstances† (Lively and Weaver 3). The apex court while acknowledging the right of